Please see the videos of the slide with the naked eye and under the microskope! Magnification makes the difference šŸ˜Š

Here are some tips how you can assess if your aspirate is cellular and can be sent for further evaluation.

  • When expelling the material on the slide from the syrringe ā€“ it may come out in variably sized droplets. While expelling the material you should aim at the center of the slide ā€“ so you have enough space to spread the droplets out. Droplets  may be too thick to evaluate!
  • If you have time it is always helpful to stain one slide in the clinic ā€“ you can evaluate the cellularity and later compare your diagnosis with that of the pathologist
  • If you are short of time ā€“ you can spot the material on the slide by slowly changing the angle of view.. but this method can give you surprisesā€¦
  • VetCyto does not have limits on the number of slides per case ā€“ we will evaluate all the submitted slides!

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