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Projekts noslēdzies!
Praktiski esam noslēguši pētniecības projektu “Hologrāfiskais mikroskops digitālās patoloģijas pakalpojumiem uz nekrāsotiem priekšmetstikliņiem veterinārajā medicīnā” (projekta nr: Nr. 1.12.) Kopā ar partneriem esam gadu

Ir apritējis gandrīz gads kopš VetCyto piedalās pētniecības projektā “Hologrāfiskais mikroskops digitālās patoloģijas pakalpojumiem uz nekrāsotiem priekšmetstikliņiem veterinārajā medicīnā” (projekta nr: Nr. 1.12.)Esam tuvu

TVT! We have it in the Baltics!
TVT = Transmissible Veneral Tumor Case Photos: Left: vaginal mass Right: 100x magnification of the FNA from the vaginal mass Case: Dr. Karolina Zirnite, PetCity

Projekta pirmie panākumi
Pirmajā pārskata periodā (no 1.12.2023. līdz 31.5.2024.) izstrādājām un izgatavojām divus hologrāfiskos mikroskopus. Hologrāfisko mikroskopu validēšanu veicām izmantojot dažādus paraugus – izvēlējāmies augu putekšņus un

VetCyto sāk īstenot jaunu pētniecības projektu
Pētniecīobas projekts “Hologrāfiskais mikroskops digitālās patoloģijas pakalpojumiem uz nekrāsotiem priekšmetstikliņiem veterinārajā medicīnā”

Lymphoma in dogs is a commonly occurring tumor
The purpose of this article is to provide basic information about lymphoma in dogs, including clinical signs, diagnostic examinations, and prognosis. Clinical Signs of Lymphoma

Some facts on cytology in veterinary medicine:
Cytology is a non-invasive diagnostic tool: Cytology investigates animal or human cells from tissues or fluids. Fine-needle aspirates, impression smears, or fluid analysis can be

About Cytology
Cytology diagnostic methods have a rich history dating back to ancient civilizations, where physicians began studying tissue and cellular structures. However, the development and modernization

Cytology sample cellularity
Please see the videos of the slide with the naked eye and under the microskope! Magnification makes the difference 😊 Here are some tips how

Daily routine work and student practice in veterinary cytology
Everyday work in cytology may involve preparing and examining cell samples under a microscope. The process typically involves collecting the cell sample, fixing it onto

Military Surgery Forum Riga 2023 a very different way to use the microskope
Latvian Association of Microsurgery held Military Surgery Forum in Riga (LU Science house, 1-2.april 2023) and I had a wonderful chance to be a part

Common cytology sampling errors
Cytology sample collection This is a very concise overview of the most common errors encountered by VetCyto. I hope you find some helpful tips! Some

ESAVS Cytology and Hematology practical seminar 2023
It is always useful to participate in practical seminars abroad – this time it was at Freie Universitat Berlin, big thank you goes to Prof.Dr.