It is always useful to participate in practical seminars abroad – this time it was at Freie Universitat Berlin, big thank you goes to Prof.Dr. Barbara Kohn for hosting the event and a tour around the clinic itself. 

I found myself “wearing two hats” – as an attendee and as an organizer. From attendees point of view – each participant had an opportunity to work with an individual microscope, at their own speed. All the cases were discussed afterwards as participants had different backgrounds (oncology, infectious diseases etc) the discussions were especially useful. 

From the organizers point of view – the location was perfect – the whole building was allocated for the seminar. Coffee breaks and lunch were provided in the same building or nearby.  I realized that practical seminars organized by VICs in Latvia are at the same level of quality! That is the way to go!

Cytology and Hematology practical seminar

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