Latvian Association of Microsurgery held Military Surgery Forum in Riga (LU Science house, 1-2.april 2023) and I had a wonderful chance to be a part of it. World renown lecturers, experience from different battle fields. Meeting surgeons from Ukraine, USA, Finland, UK and other places. And the greatest thing of all – Dr. Olafs Libermanis was generous enough and there was a possibility to try the basic microsurgery techniques under his guidance! Thank you for the chance to see a different picture under the microskope! Thank you to Dr. O.Libermanis and Dr. M. Malzubris for their continuous work in Ukraine! 

Chicken leg model for training of the basic microsurgery techniques

Artery under the microskope

Surgery theater in war zones often does not look like we have used to see it. 

Prof. A. Lerner, trauma and orthopaedic surgeon (Ziv Hospital, Israel)  talking about differences between civil and military medicine.  

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